Page 12 - Aftercare Orientation Manual
P. 12

Continuing Progress: Aftercare Graduation/Transition Planning
   Objective Criteria for Graduation from DBT Aftercare
Regularly addressing concerns related to Life Vision goals.
Regularly and consistently planning positive future events. Consistent use of stable system of support.
Consistency with regular self-care.
Consistency with high positive emotions.
Identify and coordinate transitional care for any additional services required for success.
Met majority of Life Vision goals.
Transition plan for graduation and care continuation approved by entire treatment team
Common Indicators of Aftercare Completion and Graduation
I do not need accountability from an aftercare session to continue moving forward and maintain stability.
I desire to fill my time with work, school, volunteering, or other healthy, structured activity.
I am no longer benefiting from the teaching as I feel I have learned enough to maintain stability and cope with stressors.
I have attended for over six weeks.
I could be supported by individual therapy alone.
My diary card consistently indicates positive moods.
I am able to use skills to manage stressors and transitions as they arise.
   1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
9. 10 .
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 7. 8.
  Active engagement in aftercare programming and addressing barriers to goals (including participation, attendance, and willingness to remove barriers to goals).
              Consistent, independent weekly structure (i.e. attending appointments, individual therapy, obligations, work, volunteering, etc.)
                                                   TOP outcome guidelines for LOC transition.
1) No TOP “Red Alert” in latest two administrations.
2) If recent TOP has a “Yellow Alert”, LOC should be assessed for accuracy and discussed with provider.
3) Must not have any “extreme” elevations on depression, manic, psychotic symptoms, substance
abuse, social conflict, suicide, violence, or panic scales.
4) Must not have more than two “moderate” elevations on above scales.
5) Short term/transitory fluctuations in above related to acute and unusual events should be considered
in decision making process of LOC.

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