Page 35 - PCMI Journal July 2018
P. 35

 David Allen | Emeritus Professor | Cranfield University | UK Photochemical Machining of Aerospace Materials
Issue 131 July 2018 PCMI Journal 34
   Aerospace materials
Aerospace materials need to have low density with a high strength-to-weight ratio.
Aerospace materials include:
•  Aluminium and its alloys
•  Titanium and its alloys
•  Magnesium and its alloys
 Titanium heat exchanger plate
   Aluminium - A few
Facts concerning Aluminium factsAaAaL
•  The commonest element in the earth’s crust (8%)
•  Relatively expensive due to method of manufacture (high temperatures and high electric currents)
•  Becomes cheaper when recycled
•  Hard, strong and light (ρ = 2.7
•  Silver-coloured metal melting at 660°C
•  Thermal conductivity of 237 Wm-1K-1 at 300K (27°C)
•  Although reactive, it is resistant to corrosion due to the presence of a thin surface film of aluminium oxide
•  A very wide range of alloys exist

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