Page 7 - PCMI Journal July 2018
P. 7
Letter From the President
Mike Lynch
Hello PCMI Members,
During 2018 it has been my pleasure to serve as the PCMI president. Throughout these months, I have enjoyed my involvement with PCMI committees, engaging members at technical conferences and working with our management team to improve and expand membership programming, benefits and services.
During my tenure I have been especially impressed and would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to members who have spent many hours volunteering on PCMI committees. Committee work and participation is essential for the continued success of the Institute, and I encourage you to get involved. Serving on a committee is a great way to get more from your PCMI Investment.
As a committee volunteer, you not only strengthen the Institute, but you’re able to voice your company’s interests, and have access to increased opportunities to network with your colleagues. PCMI Board and committee members set policy, manage educational and technical initiatives, plan conferences, develop membership recruitment and retention campaigns, and help improve the Institute's social media presence and website. You may volunteer to serve yourself, or you can nominate someone else from your company to serve.
Please take a moment to review the committee flyer to decide which committee would work best for your membership.
During the remainder of 2018, PCMI will continue working to improve our social media and marketing communication abilities and we are now working to update the website, and make it easier to navigate and download PCMI publications.
We also invite you to connect and join our updated social media accounts. The PCMI LinkedIn and Facebook pages have been designed to provide members with tools to enhance interactions with each other.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Fall 2018 technical conference at the Hilton Long Beach Hotel in Long Beach California, USA, from October 6 – 10, 2018.
Best Regards,
Mike Lynch
PCMI President
United Western Enterprises, Inc.
Issue 131 July 2018 PCMI Journal 6