Page 8 - PCMI Journal July 2018
P. 8

 Letter From the Executive Director
 Catherine Flaherty
Hello PCMI Members,
I hope that you are having a great summer. We are gearing up for the fall conference that will be held at the Hilton Long Beach, in Long Beach California, USA. We have designed a conference that will include technical presentations that are focused on enhancing your knowledge of the latest technology and advancements within the PCM industry. The upcoming conference will be a great opportunity for you to learn from your industry colleagues.
This Journal contains the PDF presentations from the Spring 2018 Conference held in Sweden this past May. As we get ready for another educational conference, I would like to look back a bit and give special thanks to the Sweden Conference Com- mittee, and of course, our sponsors.
The Committee developed an excellent technical program with top-rated presentations. Committee members included:
• David Allen, Cranfield University
• Eric Kemperman, Etchform BV
• Peter Engel, Newcut, Inc.
• Jan Kilen, HP Etch AB
• Paul Favell, Sandvik Materials Technology
• Harrie Knol, Veco B.V.
• Paolo Iellici, Chemical Machining SpA
• Jörgen Lindqvist, Mikroponent AB
• Peter Jefferies, Heatric, Division of Meggitt
• Michael Lynch, United Western Enterprises
Platinum sponsor Sandvik provided tour participants with an exciting and engaging visit to their facility. We owe special thanks to Paul Favell for his assistance in providing speaker referrals, helpful recommendations on hotels, restaurants and options for social networking events.
Many thanks are also due to Chemcut, Ätztechnik Herz GmbH & Co. KG and to Zapp for their sponsorship. Their support helps PCMI continue to provide valuable conferences and experiences for the membership.
As always, should you require any assistance, please contact the office where we are standing by to help! Best Regards,
Catherine Flaherty PCMI Executive Director
  Issue 131 July 2018 PCMI Journal 7

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