Page 17 - 2021 LTSF Impact Report
P. 17

leadership  1983 society                          1983 Society Levels:

      The President’s Leadership
                                                   $1,000 Loyalty Level
      Council has a new look.

                                                   •   Recognition displayed in LTSF office
      A new name to honor an extraordinary group
                                                   •    Special event invitations to the annual Thanks
      of people. Since the Lawrence Township School   •    Recognition in LTSF Annual Impact Report
                                                      for Giving Reception and LC/LN Tailgate
      Foundation was created in 1983, YOU have
 PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL  2020-2021  contributed more than $7.6 million to support the   •   Private tours of facilities
                                                   •    Special communication/update: semi-annual
      education of our children. Your generosity provides
      the foundational commitment to our mission of
                                                   •    ¼ Zip Pullover with LTSF 1983 Society Logo -
      students to succeed.
 The President’s Leadership Council recognizes those individual donors who give   providing the resources needed for ALL MSDLT   •   1983 Society lapel pin (2)
                                                      given the first year of membership
 an unrestricted gift of $1,000 or more.  The 1983 Society recognizes LTSF’s most dedicated
      and generous supporters. This society celebrates   $2,500 Leadership Level
 Jim & Barb Austin  Doug & Suzie Kutz  a variety of donors who invest in supporting our   (additional benefits)
 Dale & Kris Rollison    Andrew McCarthy       students, staff, and the future of Lawrence Township   •    All-Access Pass for family to performing arts/
      with their unrestricted gift of $1,000 or more.
   Billman     & Katharine Finn                       athletics events
 Gordon & Julie Burgin  Bill & Moriag McCarthy     •    Annual coffee reception with the
 John & Alice Cook  Rob & Angie McIntyre              superintendent
 Pam & Derek Dechert  Lloyd & Shelia Milliken      The future of the Lawrence Township School
 Tom & Jill Dempsey  Arun & Meghan Murali          Foundation depends on your support. Consider
 Tom & JoEllen DiMartino  Mike & Annette Shreves   joining this prestigious group of donors.
 Pamelyn D. Eads  Dr. Shawn Smith                  For more information, contact the Foundation
 Marty & Amanda Erschen  Steve & Betty Sterrett    at (317) 423-8300.
 Joan FitzGibbon  Frank & Cheryl Sullivan
 William & Mairin Foley  Dexter Thompson
 Dick & Brenda Freije  Brendon Yu
 Fred & Elizabeth Frick  Jeffrey & Mei Ling Yu
 Ronald & Laura Frieden  Josephine Yu
 Adrian & Alicia Gatewood  Jerry Zink &
 Steve Goeglein    Sally Dawson
 Bob & Darcy Griffin  Robina Zink                  “Our family is very thankful for the life education our three
 Michael & Jill Guenther
 Mark & Kathy Harrison                             children received from Lawrence Township Public schools. LTSF has been a
 Mark & Carol Helmus                                strategic partner, bringing what tax dollars can’t provide, to the lives
 Jim & Rebecca Henry
 James & Amy Hinshaw                                of our children and all students in Lawrence Township public education.
 Michael & Dr. Linda Itoka                           Our planned gift reflects that gratitude and our confidence that
 Andy & Lisa Jankowski
 Bill & Liz Khamis                                    LTSF will continue to be a driving force for future generations of LT
 Bill & Cori Korn                                      students.” Tom DiMartino, 1983 Society Member
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