Page 7 - 2021 LTSF Impact Report
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PROGRAMS  Bridge fund                                 other LTSF programs

                                                   HBCU Tour • VEX Robotics •  Legacy Study Trips
 with a purpose  $173,021 of impact         To see a full listing of all of our programs visit
      since 2012. 2,547
      student needs met in
      2020-21. This designated
      fund, available to all grade levels,
      connects deserving students
      with opportunities.

      Design Challenge
 21 SCHOOLS AND 15,683 STUDENTS IMPACTED    Excellence                                    VEX Robotics

 IN 2020-2021.  This $20,000 award is given to an
      MSDLT staff member or team who
      brings forward an innovative idea that creates
 $ 7.6 MILLION IN IMPACT CREATED SINCE 1983.  meaningful impact throughout the district. In
      addition, all finalists receive a $750 award.
      •   Winners were Alicia Stevens and                Susan Jordan
        Emily Murphy, from Crestview
 EdEx (Educators’ Exchange)  Elementary School.          Excellence in education

 $86,640 provided in support to                          scholarship
 students and staff. This FREE teacher    Ed Ex          Named after beloved Amy Beverland
 Up & Running  classroom items,                          $2,000 is available to support
                                                         Elementary principal, Susan Jordan,
 supply store provides
                                                         MSDLT teachers in finding and paying
 school supplies,
 books, and more                                         for enriching programs to help them serve
 to Lawrence                                             children with even more joy.
 Township staff                                          •   Winners were Sabrina Roll from Belzer
 540 students   and students.
 participated                                              Middle School, and Lori Weber from
                                                           Oaklandon Elementary School.
 in the spring Up & Running
 program, a record-
 breaking number for spring
 participants. This program                              jumpstart             (MSDLT Summer School)
 is at all 11 elementary
 schools.                                                3,400 students participating in JumpStart received incentives
                                                         to help combat learning fatigue and to create community among peers.
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