Page 23 - Perth County Emergency Preparedness Guide
P. 23

be prepared

             FOOD IN                              SUGGESTED FOODS
             choose foods which:                  •  canned fruits, vegetables, ready-to-eat

            •  do not require refrigeration       •  energy rich peanut butter, granola bars,
                                                     dry pasta sauces, dried fruit, nuts
            •  have a long shelf life             •  canned juice or juice-boxes
            •  are ready to eat or require
                little preparation                •  instant coffee, tea, hot chocolate
            •  are calorie and nutrient           •  energy bars, meal replacement drinks
                rich                              •  spices, sauces, condiments and sugar, to
                                                     improve the taste of the food


                Water                                                 Sand, salt, cat litter or traction mats for ice
                Emergency food supply (e.g. energy bars)              Extra anti-freeze and windshield wiper fluid
                Blanket                                               First aid kit
                Extra pieces of warm clothing including a hat,        Flashlight
                mitts, scarf, and boots                               Snowbrush & ice scraper
                Survival candle in a deep can and matches/            Shovel
                lighter                                               Emergency contact numbers (relatives, work,
                Seat belt cutter and window breaker tool              roadside assistance)
                (keep these 2 items where they can be easily
                reached from the driver’s seat)                       Booster cables
                                                                      Fire extinguisher (class ABC)
                                                                      Emergency flares

                                                                      Spare fuel container
                                                                      Road maps

                                                                 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS GUIDE - ARE YOU READY?
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