Page 35 - Perth County Emergency Preparedness Guide
P. 35

be prepared


            Check your insurance policy before a disaster strikes to
            determine if you have enough coverage and exactly what
            types of damage will be covered.

            For insurance purposes, make sure you have an accurate
            description of your home and an inventory of your
            belongings.  Take photographs, record serial numbers
            and keep copies of receipts to show the value of items.  If
            an emergency damages your home or possessions, take
            immediate steps to protect your property from further
            damage and contact your insurance company as soon as


            Children, in particular, may experience anxiety and fear after an emergency.  Children take
            their cues on how to respond to a situation by how the adults around them react.  Try to be
            calm, reassuring and realistically optimistic about the situation.

            •    Children may feel powerless and                    •     Encourage children to express
                 worry that the event will happen                         themselves through play or
                 again.                                                   drawing.
            •    Encourage children to talk about                   •     If you have evacuated, try to
                 the event and their feelings.                            keep the family together in one
            •    Listen to their fears and take them                      place.
                 seriously.                                         •     Provide children with information
            •    Talk about what happened and                             at a level they can understand.
                 what is being done to return life                  •     Hold and hug young children to
                 back to normal.                                          give them a sense of safety and

                                                                 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS GUIDE - ARE YOU READY?
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