Page 4 - March 2020 Traveler
P. 4

“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,”

                                  Philippians 2:5.

         A Lenten preview from “Sundays and Seasons:”

         (2019 Augsburg Fortress)

         “This Lenten season we will hear stories of God’s people as they both strive and fail to live

         faithfully into the mind of Christ.  The grace of God provides a never-ending spring of encour-

         We will see God’s ancient people mirroring our own lives - the attempted cover-up of Adam
         and Eve, laid against the amazing but flawed faithfulness of Abraham and Sarah.  Nicodemus

         comes with bold questions to Jesus but only under the cover and safety of darkness. The
         Bethany sisters, Mary and Martha both accuse and confess. In all their complexity, these char-

         acters despair and hope, work and wonder, live and die as we ourselves do.  And our only real

         hope is every bit as complex and mysterious - the waters of baptism toward which the church
         of the self-emptying Christ moves.  They are waters of death, then life.  Of dying, then rising.

         Of sin swallowed up, then life given and renewed.”

         Our Lenten journey continues Wednesday evenings as we share a meal together and then

         gather for our “Holden Evening Prayer” service as we “meet” John, Mary, Mother of our Lord,
         Peter, Judas, and Mary Magdalene.

         Come, join us for worship and fellowship as together we reflect on the meaning of
         our baptism, spend time in prayer and contemplation, and strive to live faithfully into

         the mind of Christ.

         Blessings as we journey through Lent together,


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