Page 4 - May 2019 Traveler
P. 4
Thoughts from Sharon cussed being intentional in our efforts to
assure each member feels welcome to
I’ve procrastinated somewhat writing my
share their thoughts and comments with us
article for our May Traveler. As many of
and we will be intentional in our communi-
you, my heart is shocked and saddened
cation with you. We want to build on our
with the news of the death of yet another
sense of community as we journey together
special, very dedicated disciple of Christ
through our time of transition always pray-
whose vitality and willingness to serve
ing for God’s wisdom and strength. Please
made such an enormous impact in our con-
join us in growing our sense of community
gregational life together at Trinity. Jerry’s
as we move forward in our mission of
memorable wit will always make us smile.
“Growing in Christ, Sharing God’s Word
What a unique role model as he tirelessly
through Worship and Service.”
served at Trinity and in our community.
Again I ask that you prayerfully consider
I thank God for each and every one of
joining one of our many teams and minis-
you, that together we can support one an-
tries that would love to have new mem-
other not only in our grief but in our joys as
bers. Consider serving as treasurer and/or
we carry on with our ministries of sharing
council member, leading Trinity Mission
Christ’s Good News. We were reminded
Men, and producing Sunday morning slides
again Maundy Thursday, Jesus’ command
and serving on Building and Grounds. Many
to love one another just as Jesus loves us.
hands working together lighten the load
That’s what being a part of Trinity is all
and strengthens our sense of community.
about - not only loving and caring for those
outside our church walls but loving and car- Jesus Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!!
ing for each as we move forward through May the joy and promises of Christ’s resur-
our sorrows, uncertainties, and joys. rection fill our hearts. God’s peace.
During our April council meeting, we dis- Sharon