Page 9 - June 2018 Traveler
P. 9
We will be hosting another eight week
"Matter of Balance" class taught by Danica
Gray of Lifescapes Services. Do you have con-
cerns about falling? The program emphasizes
practical strategies to manage falls. The class
will be held on Monday afternoons from 1 pm -
3 pm beginning June 18th. The class is free of
charge and includes 30 minutes of exercises to
increase strength and balance the last five
weeks. Invite your friends. There's a signup
The Durand Ecumenical Council sheet on the bulletin board or you may call
Danica at 815-490-1107 to register.
….in conjunction with the St. Vincent DePaul So-
ciety are offering a Money Management or budg-
eting class. If you are interested in such a class,
contact a member of the Ecumenical Council, St.
Vincent DePaul or your clergy and that person will Thank you for…
refer you for an appointment. This is being of-
fered by the Durand State Bank. So the classes
are being kept local. And of course, they are free
and will be kept confidential. All are welcome to Your donations of
participate non-perishable food,
paper products,
On May 14 the Durand Methodist Church was the soaps, shampoo,
sight of a beautiful Baccalaureate service for the
graduating seniors. It was hosted by the Durand and so much more.
Ecumenical Council. It proved to be a lovely
evening of prayer, encouragement and congratu-
lations for our young adults. The seniors collect- Thank you
ed $160.00, which they graciously donated to the for monetary
Durand Ecumenical Council. The council helps donations to the
those in the Durand area that are experiencing
hardships of one sort or another. It is with a Blessing Box Fund.
grateful heart that the council says a great big