Page 14 - March 2018 Traveler
P. 14
Quilting Questions
It is a Trinity Ministry that has been happen-
ing for decades. People have donated It’s official! The ladies have met and a
clothes, material, money and time to make new group has been born......we are
quilts that have been donated to Lutheran
World Relief, Rockford Rescue Mission, Voic-
es, recipients of Durand Ecumenical Council TAG²
Thanksgiving Baskets, and more. Some
quilts were sold to help finance more quilts Which stands for
and other projects the quilters chose. Quilt
makers have come and gone and we are in
the process of looking at the current pro- Trinity Action Gals,
gram. Currently we meet on the third Mon-
day of the month at 8:30 a.m. The number Touching All Generations!
of quilters has become smaller and we want
to hear from the congregation about their We enjoyed breakfast, mingling,
thoughts on the program. Would you let us and brainstorming! We decided that
know if you believe the program should con- we will meet in the even months, on
tinue – at the same time, at a different time? the 2nd Saturday of the month, unless
Would having a ‘quilt day’ two or three we have special outings or a conflict
with the church calendar. Due to the
times a year instead of monthly be better for Rock Run cemetery clean up day on
getting people out to make quilts? We could the 14th, our next meeting will be April
plan a ‘come when you can’ between 9:00 21 at 9:00 a.m. Please come dressed
a.m. and 2:00 p.m., serve lunch, and make in “old” clothes that you don’t mind
lots of quilts. We would welcome men and getting paint on because it could get
messy!! ......Bring Your Own Pot
boys to help make the quilts. We know
many churches have quilt days just for men to Paint. Paints and brushes will be
provided to decorate your flower pot,
and boys! All you need to know is how to tie but please feel free to bring any of
a knot. your favorites!! If you don’t want to
paint, please still come to mingle with
the gals. Also, if you need any help
Think about how important the quilts are getting a pot, please contact Paula Rau
to people around the world. Consider if or Mary Nuss. Any questions, let us
you could help make them. Let Judy Norling know. Thanks so much!
or Mary Nuss know your thoughts on this
important ministry. We still have lots of
quilt tops made that need to be turned
into quilts.