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Begin at the Beginning
Overlooking the site where the dream of Hilton Head pictures that take their place in memory as yours alone.
Island began, the Harbour Town Yacht Club offers brides Yours too are the service and cuisine that made Harbour
and wedding planners certain options that are distinctive Town Yacht Club the home away from home for people
and extraordinary. Unique assets and expertise are blend- who have had their choice of the very best.
ed here for planning a day you will treasure. For the setting and services which create the wedding
The Club’s views of the Yacht Basin, the Lighthouse and of your dreams, we invite you to consider Harbour Town
the tides of Calibogue Sound are simply unequalled. At Yacht Club; at the very center of the vision that became
any time of day the sun, moon, sea birds and dolphins paint Hilton Head Island.
Call Jory Vick, Membership Services Director, 843-671-1400 •