Page 389 - Transport
P. 389

9- Flight routing
- There are all flight numbers starting from 001 to 999.
- Alphabetical order for airline codes starting from AA.

- How we know these stops?. From flight routing section

      AA99 BRU -- SFO

                                  JFK GTT
                     BRU -------------------------- SFO


                                     Flight routing

      AA72 (HNL --- ORD --- DTW)

      AA69 (MAD --- MIA --- DFW)

  The end of general information section

How to read any airline schedule or airline

- - 1..45.. 11:30 18:10 KL 587 D10 CM                     1
  1 2 345678                                              9

1- Dates when the service starts
    Dates when the service ends

2- Days of week on which the service operates.
3- Departure time and code of departure airport.
4- Arrival time and code of Arrival airport.
5- Airline code.
6- Flight number.
7- Type of aircraft.
8- Class of service.
9- Number of stops.

   384   385   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394