Page 101 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 101

a. So it will be the longest wall b. To protect the desert
        c. To prevent the desert from spreading d. So it will spread to other countries


 Discuss the following questions.
 1. Have you ever seen a desert? What did it look like?
 2. What do you think would make living in a desert difficult?
 3. Do you think growing deserts are a serious problem?


Write your own short paragraph by answering the questions below.

A Good Place to Visit

(1) What natural place would you          Example
like to visit? (2) Where do you want
to go to find it? (3) What do you        I would like to visit a jungle.
want to see there? (4) How would      There are many jungles in Costa
you feel about your trip?             Rica, so I want to go there. I
                                      want to see monkeys and colorful
                                      birds there. I think it would be
                                      very interesting for me.


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