Page 109 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 109


Discuss the following questions.
1. Why do you think some people don’t drink enough water?
2. Besides drinking it, are there other ways of taking in water?



Use should when giving advice or making suggestions.
Some doctors think that you (should / could) drink a glass of water each morning.
Scientists suggest that people (would / should) take in 1,600 milliliters of water each day.


Write your own short paragraph by answering the questions below.

A Healthy Drink

(1) What is a healthy thing you           Example
drink? (2) How often do you drink
this? (3) How much do you usually        A healthy thing that I drink is
drink? (4) How is this good for your  green tea. I drink green tea every
health?                               day. I usually drink one cup, but
                                      sometimes I drink two cups. Green
                                      tea is very good for your health.
                                      It can prevent colds.


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