Page 14 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 14


Scan the passage and complete the chart with the correct information.

1377                     1891                                                    500s
created                  introduced                                              wealthy

Curry                    Pizza                                                   Hamburgers

• Word already in the    • 3 ___________________ in   • 5 ___________________ to
  English language by      Persia                       Americans by German
  1 ___________________                                 sailors

• Cooked for             • Was eaten in Persia in     • First made in Hamburg
  2 ___________________    the 4 ___________________    in 6 ___________________
  English families

       The First Sandwich

         Listen to the dialog and complete each sentence.
          1. Mike found Janet ____________________ the ____________________.
          2. Lord Montagu was the ____________________ of ____________________.

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