Page 142 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 142


Discuss the following questions.
1. If you could design a stamp for your country, who or what would you put on it? Why?


Present Perfect

Present perfect tense is used to express a past action with respect to the present.
Stamp collecting (was / has been) around for well over 150 years.
People (have been collecting / were collecting) stamps since adhesive postage stamps
were introduced in London in 1840.


Write your own short paragraph by answering the questions below.

My Collection

(1) What do you like to collect?          Example
(2) Why do you like to collect this?
(3) How long have you been               I like to collect coins. I collect
collecting this? (4) How many do      coins because they are small and
you have? (5) What is your favorite   interesting to look at. I have been
one?                                  collecting coins for five years. I have
                                      about 100 coins from over 20
                                      different countries. My favorite coin
                                      is from Ireland.

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