Page 24 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 24
1. What kinds of names are better for cyclones--human or non-human names?
2. Have you ever experienced a tropical cyclone?
3. Which season in your country has the worst weather? Which has the best?
Passive Voice
Passive voice is used when it does not matter who performs an action or when the
emphasis is put on the receiver of an action.
Tropical cyclones (called / are called) typhoons in Asia and hurricanes in North and
South America.
The World Meteorological Organization decides what names will (use / be used).
Write your own short paragraph by answering the questions below.
The Weather I Like the Most
(1) What kind of weather do you Example
like the most? (2) When does this
weather come in your country? I like rainy weather the most. In
(3) How does this weather make my country, rainy weather usually
you feel? (4) What do you like to do comes in July and August. This kind
in this weather? of weather always makes me feel
comfortable. When the weather is
rainy, I like to read or listen to
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