Page 53 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 53
3. What should a writer be sure to include with his or her story?
a. Extra copies b. Other media
c. Photographs d. Sources
Discuss the following questions.
1. W here do you usually hear or read news reports?
2. W hat is your favorite news magazine? Why do you like it?
3. W hat other sources of happy or entertaining news do you know about?
Frequency Adverbs
Frequency adverbs are commonly used after auxiliary verbs or be verbs and before the main
verbs. However, certain adverbial phrases are used at the beginning or the end of a sentence.
Newspapers (always seem / seem always) to report about the bad things happening in society.
HappyNews (on a daily basis) gets fan mail from its readers (on a daily basis).
Write your own short paragraph by answering the questions below.
Where I Get My News
(1) Where do you usually hear or read Example
news reports? (2) Is the news from
this source mostly about issues in I usually read news reports online
society or entertainment? (3) Why do from an international newspaper’s
you like to get your news from this website. The news from this source is
source? (4) Have you heard or read mostly about issues in society. I like
this news source today? to get my news from this source
because the articles are short and
easy to read. I have not read this
news source today, but I will read it tonight before I go to sleep.