Page 85 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 85

3. It was painted by ____________________________________________________________.


Discuss the following questions.

1. Who is one of your favorite artists? Why do you like him or her?


That: Relative Pronoun or Subordinating Conjunction?

That as a relative pronoun is followed by an incomplete clause in which that plays a
part, while that as a subordinating conjunction is followed by a complete clause.
However, it was the mystery behind the painting (that / what) intrigued people.
Many art and history buffs thought (what / that) it was a portrait of da Vinci himself.


Write your own short paragraph by answering the questions below.

My Favorite Artist

(1) Who is your favorite artist?         Example
(2) What kind of art does he or
she make? (3) What style does he        My favorite artist is Monet.
or she use? (4) Why do you like his  He was a painter. His style was
or her art?                          impressionistic, not realistic. I like
                                     his art because of the colors that
                                     he used in his paintings. They are
                                     very pretty.

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