Page 47 - Linkline Yearbook 2018
P. 47
CILT Member Brexit Survey
CILT have been actively researching the impact of Brexit on our members and stakeholders. To provide our readers with relevant information on Brexit and its effects on the industry here in Ireland CILT commissioned a short survey over the month of October.
To provide our readers with relevant information on Brexit and its effects on the industry here in Ireland, CILT commissioned a short survey over the month of October. A total of 100 respondents answered questions relating to concerns around Brexit and the training needs gap that currently exits. In summary, members are getting increasingly more concerned with Brexit and the uncertainty that surrounds the process. Nearly half of those answered will train their existing staff in new customs procedures however, a fifth also said they would outsource customs tasks. This leads to the question: do we have the expertise in Ireland to outsource these jobs when there is a skills shortage in general in the industry?
66% have not identified training partners to fulfil their training needs.
Theresa May, British Prime Minister and Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach
60% of respondents are increasingly or greatly concerned about the impact of Brexit.
35% of respondents have neither the Expertise nor the resources in-house to train staff in customs procedures.
Nearly 26% of respondents have up to 50% of their business with the UK market.
49% of respondents will train existing staff in customs procedures in the run up to Brexit, with 21% saying they will outsource customs procedures work to other companies.
The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT 47