Page 49 - Linkline Yearbook 2018
P. 49
As an estimate, how much of your business is currently with the UK?
0 - 25% 26 - 50% 51 - 75% 76 - 100%
55.56 25.93 12.35
Which of the following statements best describes your concerns about Brexit?
Not Concerned
Slightly Concerned
Getting Increasingly Concerned Greatly Concerned
8.64 30.86 29.63 30.86
Which of the following statements best describes how you are likely to respond to Brexit-related training (this was multiple choice and respondents could tick as many as they liked)
Train existing staff in customs procedures
Recruit new staff with knowledge of customs procedures Recruit new staff and train them in customs procedures Outsource customs procedures work
Have you identified training partners to fill your Training needs?
Yes No
33.33 66.67
49.38 12.35 8.64 20.99 30.86
Which of the following statements best describes your capacity to train staff in customs procedures?
We have BOTH the Expertise and Resources in-house
We have the Expertise but NOT the Resources in-house
We have NEITHER the Expertise nor the Resources in-house N/A
20.99 16.05 35.80 27.16
Comments from Respondents of the Brexit Survey
I think this is a huge opportunity for Dublin to become an economical hub after Brexit. Hire good people and start capacity building and train them especially on custom rules and regulations.
As a removals company we transit to/from and via the UK. With approx. 20-25% of our business being impacted it will have serious impact going forward.
There is too much scaremongering going on at the moment. People need to take a breath and wait to see the outcome of the negotiations as thus far, nothing has been decided.
I am considering moving my operation to Ireland in the next 12 months if we have no deal.
My biggest concern is the lack of communication by the Irish government, the EU and Britain on what will take place. We cannot strategise correctly as we do not have enough information.
It will be a challenge, but as yet we are unsure of the precise implications. Our company is international, and we may be able to exploit opportunities outside of the Republic. On the aviation side, the major issue would be any impact on the
UK’s ability to continue to access European airspace as the country can as an EU member?
My principle concern is around the volume of exports/ imports that will need to be processed by Revenue/Customs involving companies that heretofore have had very little exposure to Customs procedures. Undoubtedly this would overburden the control procedures and processes in their current state. The AEO designation will become even more valuable than it is at the present time as a level of primacy will be given to exports involving an AEO certified company.
Freight Station is in the process of developing an online platform for the freight industry which will incorporate Brexit-ready solutions.
If my contract is not renewed in February 2018 one option I have as a CILT member is to try to revisit the freight industry again and seek work there.
I see hedging of sterling, a great unknown to many Irish SME, and see data claiming. Over 55% have zero hedging and know nothing about it.
The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT 49