Page 10 - Raco 2017
P. 10
12.1 In the event of the procedure motion “that the Conference proceed to the next item of business” being proposed and seconded, by voting members, all further discussion on the matter being debated shall cease until the procedure- motion is put to a vote. If the procedure motion is carried, the motion, and amendments (if any) will be deemed to have been disposed of and Conference proceeds to the next item of business.
If the procedure motion is defeated, the debate on the motion and amendments (if any) shall be resumed.
12.2 At any time during the debate on a motion or amendment it will be open to any voting Delegate who has not spoken on the motion to move without debate, “that the question be now put”, and if
it should appear on a show of hands
that a majority of the Delegates are in favour of terminating the discussion, the question shall be put to a vote, and the decision of Conference taken without further discussion provided that no speech be interrupted for the purpose and the proposer of the motion be not denied the right to reply. The acceptance of the motion “that the question be now put” will be at the discretion of the Chairperson.
12.3 Agreement to remit: Where the Chairperson, in consultation with Standing Orders Committee, becomes aware or is made aware that the Conference will not have adequate time to consider all motions and/
or amendments prior to the close of Conference, the Chairperson may request the mover(s) of unresolved motions and/or amendments to agree
to remit to the next Biennial Delegate Conference/Special Delegate Conference where the mover(s) so agree(s) Conference will be asked to approve.
12.4 Motion to Remit: Where the movers of motions and/or amendments do not agree to so remit any delegate or member of the National Executive may propose that motions and/or amendments be remitted to the next Biennial Delegate Conference/ Special Delegate Conference.
12.5 A motion and/or amendment shall be remitted to the National Executive for further consideration if so decided by Conference.
Alteration to the Order of Debate: The Chairperson may re-arrange the order of debate to enable Conference to conduct
its business. In the event of an objection being proposed and seconded the matter will be placed before Conference for a decision.
13. Call for a recount: A recount shall be called by the Chairperson of Conference at the request of the proposer where
the Chairperson considers there is justification.
14. Suspension of Standing Orders: A motion to suspend Standing Orders must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the Conference by the proposer and seconder. The proposer and seconder must be Voting Delegates at the Conference. The written request must specify the Standing Order, the reason for its introduction and the period of suspension. A motion to suspend Standing Orders cannot be moved until the matter has been referred to the Chairperson of the Standing Orders Committee for decision. Where the decision is positive the Conference Chairperson will place the motion before Conference for approval.
15. Points of Order: Any delegate may interrupt the proceedings of the Conference on a “Point-of-order”, should these Standing Orders not be adhered to.
16. Quorum: The Quorum for a Biennial or a Special Delegate Conference shall be 22 Delegates (60% of all Delegates entitled to attend Conference). The Quorum must include a minimum of one officer of the National Executive.
17. Timetable and Agenda: The timetable and agenda listed in the programme for the Delegate Conference will be the timetable and agenda used by this Conference.
18. Motions/Amendments to the Constitution will be adopted where
a two-third majority of the voting delegates and proxies present at the time of voting are in favour of the motion/amendment. All other motions/ amendments require a simple majority to be adopted.
19. All reference to the Chairperson in these Standing Orders refers to the Conference Chairperson.
Biennial Delegate Conference 2017