Page 9 - Raco 2017
P. 9
The Standing Orders Committee is appointed in accordance with Para 1.4 Annex ‘D’ of the Constitution. The Committee recommends that Conference adopts Standing Orders as laid out hereunder.
1. The President of the Association will normally chair all Delegate Conferences. In the absence of the President, Conferences may be chaired by the Vice President, or any other voting member of the National Executive.
2. The following may attend Delegate Conferences of the Association:
2.1 Brigade/Service voting delegates who have been elected/co-opted in accordance with DFR S6 as follows:
2 Bde: 5 + Lt where required *
1 Bde: 5 + Lt where required *
DFTC: 5 + Lt where required * DFHQ: 5 + Lt where required *
Air Corps: 5 + Lt where required * Naval Service:5 + Lt where required* Lt Rep: 1
* Each Committee should co-opt a Lt where none exists
2.2 Non-voting observers from major barracks not represented by a voting delegate or as approved by Bde/Svce Committee.
2.3 The following accredited office holders:
General Secretary
Deputy General Secretary Honorary Treasurer Standing Orders Committee Tellers and Stewards.
2.4 The Trustees of the Association.
2.5 Invited guests and members of the media as decided by the National Executive.
3. All voting delegates and accredited office holders shall be entitled to speak on any motion. Invited guests may
be invited to address the Conference with the prior approval of the National Executive.
Observers and Trustees attending Delegate Conferences may not speak on any motion or amendment.
5. The following are entitled to one vote on all motions/amendments:
- President of the Association
Voting Delegates as per para 2.1 of these Standing Orders
- In the event of a tied vote the Chairman of the Conference will, in addition to his/her vote, also have a casting vote.
6. Delegates shall register with the registrar daily and prior to the Conference proceeding to business.
7. Delegates who leave the conference hall before an adjournment will be required to “sign out” and to “sign in” upon return.
A Steward shall seal the entrance to the conference hall when a vote has been called by the Conference Chairperson and shall not re-open the entrance until the vote has been completed.
A Steward must be a member of the Association and will not be a Delegate to Conference. The Steward will be nominated by the Executive and approved by Conference.
9. Voting on motions/amendments will be completed by a show of hands and will be conducted in the following order:
- Proxies for the motion/amendment
- Proxies against the motion/amendment - Delegates for the motion/amendment
- Delegates against the motion
- Delegates abstaining.
10. The votes will be counted by a
teller nominated by the Executive
and approved by the Conference.
The teller must be a member of the Association and will not be a Delegate to Conference.
11. All proposers and seconders of motions/ amendments will be entitled to address Conference for a maximum of three minutes. Other speakers entitled
to address Conference may do so
for a maximum of two minutes. All proposers will have the right to reply for a maximum of two minutes before the motion is decided.
Biennial Delegate Conference 2017