Page 46 - Raco 2017
P. 46
• Claim - To adjust the reduction in allowances now deemed to be taxable
• Claim - To extend the postal vote facility to the spouse and dependants of an
officer serving overseas on an accompanied mission or the extension of appropriate support provisions to ensure that the spouse and dependants of the officer are able to exercise their right to vote where they are eligible to do so
• Claim - For the payment of overseas peace support allowance to officers selected for service in IRCON EUTM Somalia
• Claim - Payment of OSPA for officers selected for service in the European Union OHQ of Operation Althea (BiH0, SHAPE EUFOR OHQ)
• Claim - Breach of CCA 272 by the Dept Defence - Failure to provide for the payment of the complete financial support package to Officers posted to the OSCE (HLPG), Vienna
• Claim - Breach of CCA 272 by the Dept Defence - Failure to provide for the payment of the complete financial support package to Officers posted to the Nordic Battle Group (NBG), Sweden
• Claim - 9th POC Pay & Promotion
• Claim - Lifetime Community Rating Levies
• Claim - Breach of CCR 272 - UK EU Battle-group 16-2
• Claim - Breach of Agreed Reports 295 & 447 by Dept of Defence
• Claim - Breach of Secondment & Superannuation Arrangements - T&Cs of
Secondment to UNNY Appointment
• Claim - Refund of Accommodation Charges
• Claim - Pay Scale on Promotion / Commissioning - Members of 90th and
subsequent Cadet Classes
• Claim - for the increase in gross annual uniform replenishment allowance
• Claim - Breach of Terms & Conditions of Secondment - DFR S6 - Deputy General
Secretary of RACO
• Claim - Breach CCR 421 (Pension arrangements for post 01 Jan 2013 entrants) • Claims - Breach of T&Cs Cadetships 2017
• Progression of Ombudsman report
The following agenda items have concluded successfully since BDC 2015;
• Retrospection of SSO Promotion Dates
• Claim - Pay Scale on Promotion / Commissioning - Members of 90th and
subsequent Cadet Classes
• Payment of appropriate allowances for Students on Staff Courses in UK and USA • Revenue determination ‘Free’ Travel Warrants and BiK
The C&A Scheme provides that as an aid to the negotiation process, discussions at the Conciliation stage may be continued under a Facilitator. The Facilitator is an outside party agreed between the Departmental Side and the Association on a case-by-case basis and generally provided by the Workplace Relations Commission. The Facilitator’s function is to attempt to bring the two sides to an agreement. If agreement does not prove possible, the Facilitator prepares a report recording the respective positions of both sides and his findings. Since BDC 2015 no cases have been heard by the Facilitator. RACO requests for facilitation has been denied by the Official Side.
The Scheme provides for two forms of Arbitration – an Arbitration Board and an Adjudicator. The role of Arbitration is to provide a judgement in the case of a disputed claim. However, under the terms of the Scheme only a very limited range of issues can be referred to Arbitration. These are claims for adjustments of rates of pay, allowances, gratuities or grants, claims regarding the quantum of annual and sick leave allowances and claims concerning compensation for loss of earnings.
The C&A Scheme provides that the Adjudicator “will be appointed by Government on the nomination of the Ministers (Defence and Finance) in agreement with the representative associations”. The Adjudicator deals with all arbitrable claims other than claims for a revision of pay and those involving a significant extra expenditure.
The Arbitration Board is appointed by Government and consists of a Chairman (currently a Senior Counsel), a member nominated by Government (acting as employer), and a member nominated by the Representative Associations (RACO and PDFORRA). The current representative side nominee to the Arbitration Board is Mr. George Maybury, of the Public Service Executive Union (PSEU) and formerly General Secretary of the
Biennial Delegate Conference 2017