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The Professional Staff have ongoing access to the Association’s retained solicitors, Hughes-Murphy & Co (, for advice on any matters arising in the course of Association business. Hughes-Murphy & Co. have considerable experience in industrial relations matters having represented a number of Garda associations for many years and having been advisors to RACO since our establishment. Their advice is sought by RACO on a regular basis.
In particularly difficult cases the opinion of a counsel (junior or senior) is required, either in written form or by means of a consultation. It is largely based on this advice that the National Executive will decide whether a case should be pursued through the legal system. Counsel’s opinions may also be used by the Professional Staff to further negotiations on the matter.
RACO’s procedure in relation to legal cases provides that;
• If having considered legal advice, the degree of risk to association funds etc, the National Executive decides that a case should be taken, it is taken in the name of the individual members concerned - with the Association funding it as required
• At each stage in the process e.g. Counsel’s opinion, initiation of proceedings, settlement offer (if any), court proceedings etc. a separate decision will be made by the National Executive whether to proceed or not. If the National Executive decides not to proceed an dthe individual member does not agree, he/ she can continue the process but at his/ her own expense
In common with most similar organisations RACO offers members a range of additional services/benefits including insurance, pension, legal and financial advice services and access to discounted products and services. The Association is extremely conscious of the need to constantly improve its value proposition for members, particularly in the difficult economic climate that exists at present. To that end we continue to research possible additional services that would be of benefit to members. Details of all Members’ Services Schemes are available on the RACO website.
Since 2009 the Association has had an arrangement with to manage a group Voluntary Benefit Scheme on behalf of the Association. have recently changed their name and brand to WrKit. This scheme is accessible to members through the RACO website and provides benefits and discounts for an extensive range products and services. The Association continues to actively seek opportunities to provide members with additional opportunities to make savings on purchases and these are added to the website as they become available. To this this end, WrKit has been in discussions with RACO and they have offered a expanded ranges of service available to members. A presentation will be made by the company to BDC delegates and following feedback, new services will be offered to members by the end of 2017.
A Revenue approved Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme (AVC) is in place for members of RACO. The scheme is administered on the Association’s behalf by Irish Pensions and Finance ( who developed it on our behalf. The introduction of this Scheme represented a major advance for officers as we were previously prohibited by Revenue rules from availing of the tax and additional pension income benefits of such a scheme. The scheme is of the greatest potential benefit to post 1995 officers who pay Class A PRSI and whose military pension is, consequently, integrated with the social welfare system.
  Biennial Delegate Conference 2017

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