Page 50 - Raco 2017
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Foster regular exchange of experiences between member associations Promote understanding and friendship between the member associations
The management structure of EUROMIL consists of Congress, Presidium, the Board and the office of the Secretary General;
Congress is EUROMIL’s highest body. It normally meets every four years and decides policy guidelines and all matters of fundamental importance to the organisation. Congress consists of delegates from each member organisation, with the number of delegates an organisation has dictated by its membership size and elects the officers of the organisation and the ordinary members of the Board.
Presidium is responsible for approving the policy of the Board, deciding on the accession of member organisations, setting the organisation’s budget, administering EUROMIL’s assets, and deciding the level of membership contributions. Meeting twice per year the Presidium is composed of the Board and representatives of each member organisation.
The Board is responsible for the conduct of the business of EUROMIL. It prepares the meetings of the Presidium and implements its resolutions, manages the budget, performs representative functions and coordinates the activities of any committees, working groups etc. Comprised of the President, Deputy President, Treasurer, and six ordinary members (all elected by Congress), the Board meets 6 times per year, with two of the meetings coinciding with the Presidium meetings.
EUROMIL maintains an office in Brussels as a central management body. The office includes multi-lingual staff.
EUROMIL’s central lobbying programme is conducted with both supranational organisations and with national governments. The organisation has consultative status with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and observer or “standard invited guest” status with the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assemblies of NATO, WEU, and OSCE. The organisation also has a formal co-operation agreement with the European Trade Union Conference (ETUC) to which the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is also affiliated.
In accordance with a decision of the National Executive RACO normally sends two representatives to each Presidium meeting. The Deputy General Secretary is the Association’s main representative. The second representative is drawn, where possible, from the members of the National Executive. This facilitates the Executive in remaining up-to-date with the activities of EUROMIL and with RACO’s work within it. The General Secretary attends particular meetings as required.
The Association Constitution was amended after a Special Delegate Conference in March 2016. Based on the report from the National Executive sub-committee on the Constitution a number of proposed amendments were put forward for adoption by delegates. These amendments addressed specifically the issue of RACO members of Lieutenant rank and their representation on Brigade committees in light of the USAC committee no longer being in existence. The SDC agreed amendments in recognition of the new Defence Force Structures as part of the 2012/13 Reorganisation.
Biennial Delegate Conference 2017