Page 9 - Raco 2018
P. 9

Implementation of the the Working Time Directive in in the the Irish Defence Forces
The Climate Survey and and Focus Group Reports from the the University of Limerick laid bare the the mental health difficulties increased stress and and and and low morale being experienced by Defence Forces
(DF) soldiers sailors and and and aircrew Our people are are double and and and treble jobbing in in in in in in in in in in in an an an an an an effort to to maintain operational output due to to inadequate trained manning levels in in in in in in in in in in in in in in units Implementing and enforcing the the rest periods in in in in in in in in in in in in in in accordance with the the Working Time Directive (WTD) will greatly assist in in in in in in in in alleviating this untenable burden The DF is is surviving on on on the the the the goodwill and and loyalty of of its personnel that willingness to to to go go over and and and above the the the the call of of duty to to to achieve the the the the mission or or complete the the the the task Inadequate supervision and and and and mentoring combined with inadequate trained manning levels leads to to to inevitable burnout and and and and creates serious concerns for governance and and and and the the the ability to to manage risk and and and ensure the the the wellbeing of of of our personnel (University of of of Limerick Focus Group Report 2017) Implementation of of of the the the the the WTD could greatly assist in in mitigating these negative workplace themes The DF is is is not the the the the the first military organisation to implement the the the the the WTD It has been successfully successfully embraced by the the the the German and Swedish militaries as as an an an an example Closer to to home our colleagues in in in An Garda Síochána have successfully successfully implemented the the Directive Full implementation can be an an an an an effective workforce planning tool enabling efficient and transparent forecasting while giving personnel a a a a a a a a a a a clear projection of their future working hours Implementation of the the WTD is not something to to be be feared but rather viewed by military managers as an an an an an opportunity to to champion wellbeing improve work life balance and and morale and and therefore positively affect retention While the the the employment of wholesale exemptions or or or or or derogations from the the the WTD may have provided a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a convenient comfort blanket for for Management to to this this point this this practise is is is is is now breaching legislation and must not be be be employed to to to to the the detriment of of the the wellbeing of of DF DF personnel RACO and and PDFORRA have a a a a a a a a a a a duty to to to our members to to to collaborate with with other key stakeholders with with the the the the goal of of ensuring a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a healthy and and safe working environment Full implementation of of the the the EU Working Time Directive can assist the the the organisation in in in in in in creating essential workforce planning systems that that are compatible with legislation and and that that make a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a positive contribution to increase wellbeing promote structured forecasting and and and improve retention As leaders we we must be be at at at the the the vanguard in in in in in in in in leading positive change within the the the the the organisation while continuing to demand the the the the the most basic and and and and effective HR planning and and and and certainty for our people which is is the the the the the the the least that they and and and their families deserve With the the the the the right approach the the the the the Working Time Directive can EDITORIAL
achieve this Commandant Conor King
RACO Vice President & General Secretary Designate
Annual Delegate Conference 2018

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