Page 47 - Linkline Summer 2016
P. 47
Operator Self-Declaration allows the RSA to develop a better understanding of the practices and procedures in place for all Heavy Commercial Vehicles. The main objective is to improve the safety and roadworthiness of commercial vehicles on our roads, and to further de- velop the Authority’s strategy to target enforcement of road safety rules and regulations where there is most risk.
The intention is to support and work together with compliant operators whilst continuing to target enforce- ment mainly at those who do not comply and are most likely to be high-risk operators.
The rst step towards compliance with this legislation is to register for a CVRT Online Account at www.CVRT. ie (the RSA’s Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test- ing website). Operators must access their own CVRT Online Account in order to complete and submit their Operator Self-Declaration.
With a CVRT Online Account, operators can also ac- cess a number of convenient online bene ts, including the following:
• viewtheirvehicleinformationincluding: – test reports
– pass statements
– roadside/premises inspection reports – CRW details
• receivealertsandremindersabouttheirvehicles
• bookcommercialvehicletests
• applyforADRcerti catesandreplacementCRWs
• uploadadditionalvehicledocumentation(thatcan
be accessed for vehicle testing and reduce the
need for paperwork at test time)
• addorremovevehiclesfromtheirCVRTOnline
It is important to note that the legislation for Opera- tor Self-Declaration does not apply to Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs). However, operators who want to con- veniently manage their vehicle records in the one place can include them on their CVRT Online Account and uti- lise the available online functionality.
There is no charge to register for a CVRT Online Ac- count and to submit the Operator Self-Declaration. The RSA has a dedicated Helpdesk established to assist op- erators that may need any help with the registration or declaration process.
For more information about Operator Self-Declaration to the RSA, contact the CVRT Helpdesk on 1890 927 218 or 091 480 981, via email or visit
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