Page 49 - Linkline Summer 2016
P. 49
The College Green Proposal
Bob Laird (FCILT)
The proposal
However, for buses that currently run via Dame St., it would involve signi cant rerouting, with longer jour- neys, displacement of bus stops and a very intense bus operation on both north and south quays.
This can be evaluated in the context of expected/tar- geted development of transport modes over the next few years. The main measure is the “cordon count”, peak numbers of people crossing the canals into the city in the morning and out in the evening. Another measure is the pro le of transport used by city centre shoppers.
A Dublin City Council proposal for closure of College Green to through East/West traffic is out for public consultation. This follows on from the Dublin City Cen- tre Transport Study, which was out to consultation in summer 2015. The need for changes is being driven by opening in 2017 of Luas Cross-city. The Study also made improved provision for cyclists and pedestrians, and tar- geted a substantial reduction in car traf c into Dublin city centre, with increased shares for both public trans- port and cycling.
Targets for traf c by mode
The new plan includes a change in College Green. Where it was planned to restrict access to/from College Green/Dame St. to buses and taxis, the new plan closes off this route to all vehicular traf c. Arguments for this are:
The target for 2020 is to reduce car share on the cor- don count from 33% (in 2014) to 20%, while increasing public transport from 48% to 55%. Most ambitious tar- get is to triple cycling share from 5% to 15%.
• clash of westbound traf c with trams and buses coming out of Grafton St. (formerly buses came down Church Lane)
In promoting and facilitating sustainable modes in how we manage our streets, we need to consider Luas, bus, cycling and walking. Private cars are an unsustain- able mode, while off street rail is not a factor in how we manage our streets. On Street Sustainable Modes (which I will call OSSM) account for 51% on the cordon count, and are planned as 66% in 2020. They current- ly account for 77% of shoppers, so shoppers are more likely to use OSSM, while less likely to use cars or trains than commuters.
• dif culty in accommodating cyclists
• thecreationofa“civicspace”inCollegeGreen. The proposal will have a signi cant number of buses sharing the Luas line between Dawson St./Nassau St. junction and College St./Westmoreland St. junction in both directions. This should be a quicker, more direct route for these buses, thereby gaining time and making
them more attractive.