Page 16 - Cardston Book Shop Cataloge Winter 2019 H&F
P. 16
2Bestsellers & Staff Favorites
Teachings of Russell M. Nelson
Russell M. Nelson
In January 2018, Russell M. Nelson was sustained and set apart as the seventeenth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Internationally renowned as a surgeon, teacher, and man of great faith, he has dedicated his life to healing hearts and ministering throughout his medical career, his church service, and his more than three decades as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles...
Hardcover • #37142 • $44.99 SALE $40.29
A New Approach to Studying the Book of Mormon
Lynn A. Rosenvall & David L. Rosenvall
The Prophet Joseph Smith declared a person would get nearer to God by abiding by the precepts of the Book of Mormon than by any other book. While considering ways of making the precepts of this divine book more readily available to the reader, a distinguishing format was devised to isolate the doctrinal precepts and at the same time render this rather complex volume of scripture more comprehensible for reading and pondering ...
Paperback • #35829 • $20.99 SALE $18.79
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