Page 30 - GP Fall 2024
P. 30

Simplified Protocol for Creating Symmetry and Anatomy

                                         in Direct Composite Veneers

            Authors: Arthur R. Volker, DDS, MSc, MSEd, Walter Devoto, DDS, Angelo Putignano, DDS, and Serhat Koken, DDS, PhD

        Introduction                                                               neer was injection-molded.  A large, coarse
        Direct composite veneers can be an excel-                                  diamond and sandpaper disc were used to
        lent material to enhance a patient’s smile.                                create an approximation of primary anato-
        Composite resin is easy to adapt, is easily                                my (Figure 5). To better visualize the orien-
        repaired and can be an economical alterna-                                 tations and depth of the facial depressions,
        tive to indirect ceramic veneers.  The clini-
        cian’s skill will impact the final outcome’s
        esthetics. Shade, shape and polish are fac-  Figure 1. Pre-operative smile.
        tors that must be managed to produce a fa-  unhappy with her smile (Figure 1). She felt
        vorable result. This article aims to demon-  that her teeth looked uneven. Tooth #8 had
        strate a clinical protocol using a dedicated   an existing porcelain fused to metal (PFM)
        bur kit (Finale, Style Italiano) to predictably   crown, which appeared longer incisally than
        provide the appropriate form and anatomic   #9 when viewed from the direct facial per-
        features to a direct composite veneer.  spective (Figure 2). There was asymmetry   Figure 5. Primary anatomy created with

        Anatomic  Considerations  of  Maxillary   of the gingival zeniths, and the patient had   sandpaper discs.
                                              a low lip line.
        Incisors and Smile Design                                                  as well as line angles, articulating paper was
        The  primary  anatomy  of  the  incisor  com-                              rubbed onto the facial surfaces of both cen-
        prises the outermost extent of the tooth. It                               tral incisors (Figure 6).
        includes the mesio-distal and inciso-gingi-
        val dimensions of the tooth. From the facial
        aspect, it also includes the mesiofacial and
        distofacial line angles. 4

        Between these line angles, there are typically   Figure 2. Pre-operative retracted view.
        two facial depressions, which result from the   A mock-up with a single shade composite
        coalescence of dental lobes during develop-  (Filtek Supreme Ultra, 3M) was placed on   Figure 6. Articulating paper rubbed
        ment.  The lobes can be more or less promi-  the  tooth  without etch  or bonding agent.
        nent owing to several factors such as wear or   (Figure 3).  This allowed assessment of   over both central incisors.
        aging. This undulating appearance provides
        depth to the facial surface and is referred to   shade, shape and occlusion. Photos were  The Style Italiano  Finale  (Polydentia)  bur
        as the secondary anatomy of the tooth.                                     kit (Figure 7) was used to create secondary
                                                                                   anatomy and develop texture on the com-
        Additionally, there may be small horizontal
        lines in the tooth, resulting from develop-
        mental  enamel  deposition, which provide
        the tertiary anatomy or texture to the tooth.
        Like secondary anatomy its prominence can
        depend on factors such as wear or aging.   Figure 3. Intraoral mock-up.
        There are several criteria needed to create a   taken, as was a digital scan to serve as a
        harmonious, esthetic smile. Proportionality,   study model. Multiple treatment options
        shape and color must all be considered.     were presented including orthodontic thera-  Figure 7. Style Finale bur kit.
        Perhaps one of the most important elements   py and indirect restorations. The patient opt-
        involves the shape of the two maxillary cen-  ed for a direct composite veneer on #9. The  posite veneer. First, the F1 round diamond
        tral  incisors. It  is  imperative  that  they  are   patient was not interested in correcting the  bur was used to place  facial  depressions
        mirror images of each other. This bilateral   gingival asymmetry, which would not be an  (Figure 8).  The advantage  of using the
        symmetry  is even  more  critical the  closer   esthetic issue due to the existing low lip line.  round bur is that subtle depressions can be
        we get to the midline of the smile. If the cli-                            created and the potential risk of gouging the
        nician is charged with the task of trying to   On the day of treatment, topical anesthetic   facial surface is minimized when compared
        match a single central incisor, it is vital to   was applied, and an intra-oral retractor was   with a thinner bur. The F4 bur is a medium
        successfully mimic the primary, secondary   placed  (Hoopla,  Zyris)  (Figure  4).  Using
        and tertiary  anatomy of that contralateral   heated  nanohybrid  composite  (Filtek  Su-
        tooth.                                preme Ultra) and a flat Mylar matrix, the ve-
        Clinical Case
        The patient is a 62 year-old female in good
        clinical health who presented to the office
 l Fall 2024 l GP 30     Figure 4. Placement of soft tissue   Figure 8. F1 bur used to create facial
                                               retractor.                           depressions.
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