Page 7 - ActivateHealingPowerWithin
P. 7

My dear friend and colleague, Regina Murphy, has given me

         permission to share her work: Embedding healing frequencies

         in music. Why not play one of these programs, while listening

            to the audio recording of the book… or while reading it?

           It’s called a NET moment: No Extra Time - Click on a picture

               Immune Stimulation - 42:42        Dolphin Dreams 727 Hz – 29:54

                 Brain Health – 1:00:00                  PTSD – 30:00

                                             Many other embedded frequencies, for
                                             different ailments, can be found on
                                                Regina Murphy’s Youtube Channel.
                                              You don’t have to watch/listen to these

                                              programs attentively. Simply allow them

             Bonus: Double Espresso – 31.55     to play in the background as you go
                                                        about your day.
          I use this one instead of a cup of coffee

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