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Orange Traffic Ghana
Below is ORANGE TRAFFIC (OTGH) standard Terms and based on calendar working (business) days. No quoted printing, a. If the determined monies payable is less limited to; logos, symbols, compositions and copy. Unlawful use
Conditions. Please take time to read through our Terms and artwork or delivery dates are guaranteed and may vary. than the deposit paid, a refund will be issued by the Company to of these Artworks by the Client is strictly prohibited. e use of
Conditions thoroughly and ensure you understand them before the Client for the di erence. Artwork prior to payment is illegal.
you commence a project with us. Payment 21. e Company will declare a project completed if no
By requesting designs and/or services from OTGH you agree to response is received from Client within 30 days of providing a 27. Artwork designed will remain the property of the
our Terms and Conditions and you are aware that you are 9. e Company reserves the right to request a deposit concept Artwork and this Artwork will be determined as the final Company until account is paid in full. Future re-print requests of
entering a binding contract. from the Client prior to starting work on their project or accepted Artwork. e Company will then invoice the Client for the same Artwork will only incur a print management fee.
Artwork. If a deposit is requested by the Company, an invoice final payment of total project and non-payment will result in 28. Upon full payment of account, copyright ownership
Terms and Conditions will be generated and delivered to client via email and payment is collection processes. Legal action may also be taken by the will be transferred to the Client. e Company and their
expected. By remitting deposit funds to the Company, the Client Company to recover all monies owed. designers retain rights to utilise Artwork and all design elements
General Conditions of Contract is accepting the Terms and Conditions and entering a contract for portfolio/self-promotion.
with the Company. Approving Proofs/ Designs/Printing
1. ese Terms and Conditions cover all Contracts 10. If a deposit is not requested, the Client is considered Printing
entered into by a Client with the Company for services relating to to accept the Terms and Conditions upon request of 22. e Client is held responsible for approving all
design, printing, copywriting, visual media, web sites, brand services/work from the Company. Artwork proofs and ensuring accuracy and suitability. is 29. Printing will not commence until full payment for
identity, illustrations, images and photography (Artwork) 11. e Company will invoice the Client for the includes, but is not limited to; design, spelling, grammar, Artwork and print services is received. e current turnaround
2. ese Terms and Conditions are subject to change remaining cost of the Artwork and associated services prior to illustrations, images and quantity. It is the responsibility of the time for printing is 5-10 working days dependant on the product
without notification by the Company. the commencement of web site construction or printing. e Client to request another copy if the proof is di cult to read or type. is period commences at date of Client approval of
3. ese Terms and Conditions apply to the Company Company reserves the right to not proceed with these services changes are required. Artwork proof and payment.
and all of its contractors and subsidiaries. until payment has been received in full from the Client. a. e Client's final accepted proof is the 2) All turnaround time quotations are estimates and are
12. e Company reserves the right to invoice prior to Artwork that will be submitted for prints and/or web based on calendar working (business) days. No quoted printing,
Original Visual Brief, Variations and Guarantee the time detailed in clause (11) if the Client has been construction. ere will be no reprints or web development at artwork or delivery dates are guaranteed and may vary.
uncontactable / unresponsive for more than 30 days – refer our expense. Printout of Client proof is supplied at intended final
4. e Company and the Client will attend an initial Cancellation & Variation Policy – begins clause (19) print size (100%) to assist in confirming colours, design, bleed, 30. With all printing there may be some colour
consultation at no charge to the Client. is can be held via 13. e Company reserves the right to invoice for work size and type. variations from electronic visual representations of Artwork and
phone or in person. A (Visual Brief) will be constructed through completed if the project exceeds 60 days. previous orders to the final printed Artworks. is is due to the
the collection of logos and designs. is will assist in the 14. e Client reserves the right to request a payment Submission of Client artwork nature of CMYK printing and bulk-run printing system. ere
evaluation and formulation of the Client's business design plan which may be accepted by the Company at its discretion. All will be no reprints at our expense.
requirements. payment plans must be agreed to both parties in writing. 23. Clients who choose to submit their own Artwork,
5. If no delivery date for final Artwork is decided upon 15. All prices quoted on the Company's web site and files and/or images are solely responsible for the end result of Delivery
and noted during the initial consultation, payment will be advertising material include delivery. printing. Customers are reminded to submit print-ready Artwork
required at the time/s detailed in clause (11); the length of time 16. All payments are to be made within 10 days of with the correct specifications. We will print the Client's 31. e Company cannot be held liable for printing
between consultation and delivery of final Artwork will have no invoicing. submission as requested however the Company is not responsible products that are damaged, lost or delayed when delivered by
e ect on the requirement to remit funds on invoicing. 17. e Company is entitled to charge the Client for any for Artwork mistakes. e Company is also not liable for post or courier although the utmost care will be taken to ensure
6. e Company does not o er a set number of fees incurred relating to commencement of collection and supplied file errors. ere will be no reprints at our expense. the products arrive on time and undamaged.
revisions to logo Artwork under the original Visual Brief. recovery processes for accounts that remain unpaid in excess of 24. Clients are reminded that when Artwork is trimmed,
a. e Company will not charge for additional 30 days. the bleed cut can vary in position up to 2-3mm, hence a 7mm Force Majeure
revisions of logo Artwork provided that the Client's requests for 18. e Company reserves the right to delete web sites internal margin from the bleed line is required if the Client is 32. e Company shall not be liable for any failure or
revision conform to the original Visual Brief and are with accounts more than 90 days outstanding payment. supplying Artwork. delay in supply or delivery of Artwork or services where such
communicated within the agreed timeline (if provided). 25. It is the Client's responsibility to ensure that any failure or delay is wholly or partly due to any cause or
7. Any additional work, revisions or variations outside Cancellation and Variation Policy Artwork, images, files and text submitted does not violate circumstances whatsoever outside the reasonable control of the
of the original Visual Brief will be considered as a unique order. Australian copyright laws. e Company and its contractors Company including but not limited to war, strikes, lockouts,
19. e Company reserves the right to charge additional assumes all written and visual content adheres to copyright laws industrial disputes or unrest, government restrictions or
Quotations costs if the Client requests amendments to the original Visual and all correct permissions have been sought and/or royalties transport delays, fire, power outages, failure attributable to
Brief, the original project outcome is altered or further Artwork paid for use. hosting suppliers, breakdown of plant, the , vandalism, riots,
8. Quotations are generated by the Company on the is requested – refer clause (5). civil commotions, accidents of any kind or act of terrorism.
basis of the Visual Brief and expected time investment. 20. If the Client requests the cancellation of a Contract, Copyright
Quotations may be subject to change if additional work is e Company will determine the cost of Artwork and services
required. provided. e Client will be invoiced this amount minus any 26. Ownership of copyright over all concepts and dra Amendments to these Terms and Conditions
1) All turnaround time quotations are estimates and are deposits paid on the project to date. Artwork remains with the Company. is includes, but is not