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eye produces and thereby lower eye pressure. This procedure can now be used in all cases of glaucoma, including the most severe.
5- Laser Iridotomy
A peripheral iridotomy or PI is a laser treatment for people with, or at risk of, a type of glaucoma known as angle closure glaucoma. The angle is the part inside the eye where the  uid (intraocular  uid) drains. If the angle is narrow or closed then  uid cannot drain and there can be a buildup of pressure in the eye, causing damage. A narrow angle is usually detected during a routine examination and most people who need a PI will have no symptoms.
6- iStent
A small 1mm mesh tube made from titanium (known as an iStent) can be surgically inserted to help the eye’s natural ability to drain  uid and so reduce pressure inside the eye. This minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) is safe and results in patients not having to use as many eye drops every day.
7 - Xen Gel Stent
Another MIGS procedure is the insertion of a Xen Gel Stent that also reduces pressure inside the eye by draining  uid via a tube (stent) connecting the anterior chamber of the eye to a bleb (or reservoir) positioned below the conjunctiva.
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EYEZONE Issue 91-92  May / August 2020 52

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