Page 3 - Design Principal Search Booklet FINAL
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who we are
Founded in 1945, FGM Architects is a full
service architectural and interior design
firm with offices in Chicago, Oak Brook,
Milwaukee, O’Fallon and St. Louis.
With a staff of 78 professionals, FGM focuses on five markets: higher education,
PK–12 education, municipal, corporate and federal.
At FGM, we call ourselves a As such, one of the most important
“community-based” architecture firm. things we do is to involve stakeholders
That is, our practice is dedicated in every step of a project. The end
to enhancing communities through result is a design solution backed
environments that make up the by solid consensus; everyone
landscape of our daily lives. Over has participated in its creation
our 70-year history as a business— and understands the logic of the
and through our work with countless planning process. We help lead
communities across the Midwest—we this process and act as a trusted
have honed a set of values that have advisor, providing our clients the
at their core commitment, integrity information and technical advice they
and people. need to make decisions quickly and
The foundation of FGM’s practice
has always been Architecture for the Over the years FGM has received
Educational community and we have numerous awards for our work from
maintained numerous continuous peers and industry organizations,
relationships, quite a few lasting but at the end of the day, it’s the
more than 20 years. We have had client’s mission that determines project
the privilege of serving some of the priorities. To achieve this, we have to
nation’s finest Higher Education be a partner. We bring a balanced,
institutions including the University of common-sense design approach that
Chicago, Northwestern University and considers all aspects of a building,
the University of Illinois, but we also not just the aesthetic.
serve as the District Architect for 86
communities on the local level. We
understand that the people we serve
extend well beyond those we report to
on a daily basis.