Page 20 - Mercury
P. 20

15     The Mercury Core Module
                The “Mercury Core Module” Configuration menu option.

               to alter this from its default setting, 3: Normal messages, but the more verbose reporting lev-
               els can be useful when tracking down problems in the system. The Number of messages to
               store entry controls how many messages Mercury/32 should store before starting to discard
               the oldest messages. You can set this value as high as you like, although the higher you set
               it, the more memory will be consumed storing the messages. If you always want the System
               Messages window to open when you run Mercury, check the control labelled Automatically
               open the System Messages Window at startup.

               Options on the Advanced page
               The items in this page control some of the more advanced Mercury features.

               Allow file-based forwarding specification using FORWARD files  Autoforwarding is normal-
               ly a restricted feature in Mercury and Pegasus Mail, controlled in NetWare mode by the sys-
               tem administrator. In non-NetWare modes, and in NetWare mode if the administrator wishes
               to open the feature up, you can check this control to enable an alternative autoforwarding fea-
               ture. When this control is enabled, Mercury will look for a file called FORWARD in the user's
               new mail directory. If it finds a FORWARD file, it will open it and examine it for lines specify-
               ing how forwarding should be done. FORWARD files can contain the following lines:

                  Forward-To : <address>
                  Deliver-Also : Y|N

               The Forward-To line indicates the address to which the message should be sent. You can en-
               ter any single valid local or Internet address in this line. You may have multiple Forward-
               To lines in the file, in which case the message will be forwarded to the address in each line

               The Deliver-Also keyword controls whether or not the message should be delivered locally
               as well as being forwarded. If set to Y, a copy of the message will be delivered to the user's
               mailbox even if it is also forwarded to another address.

               Enabling this feature can create a security issue, since it is possible for another user with write
               access to a user's new mail directory to create a "fake" FORWARD file and forward the user's
               mail without his or her knowledge. In environments where a little trust is possible, however,
               it's a very useful feature. You can almost always avoid the security issue by creating an empty
               (zero-length) FORWARD file in each new user’s mail directory.

               Suppress automatic replies system-wide  If you do not want your system to send automatic
               replies, even if your users have attempted to enable the feature, check this control. Note that
               this only suppresses standard user autoreplies - it does not affect messages generated by rules,
               by the built-in mail server, or automatically generated notifications.

               Show hostname in system tray and taskbar icons  When this control is checked, Mercury will
               add the value you entered as Internet name for this system in the General configuration page
               to its taskbar and system tray icons. This is very useful if you run multiple copies of Mercury
               on the same machine. Certain third-party utilities developed for earlier versions of Mercury,
               however, may not run correctly when this option is turned on - if you depend on any utilities
               falling into this category, leave the control unchecked to have Mercury behave as it did in
               previous versions.

               Address auto-recognition settings
                The controls in this group allow you to configure Mercury to recognize certain common In-
               ternet address formats based on the names of your users. When any of these controls is ena-
               bled, it tells Mercury that it should perform some extra comparisons when trying to work out
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