Page 30 - Mercury
P. 30

25     Mailing lists
                Mailing list settings and options

               in a list address (this restriction is imposed by the standards governing Internet mail, not by
               Mercury specifically).

                                                                                                  The filename for a mail-
               The membership file is a file Mercury uses to store information about the current subscribers   ing list’s membership file
               to the list. It need not exist (in fact, it should not exist when you create the list), and must have   must include a full path,
               the extension .MLF (Mercury will automatically add this extension for you). You must pro-  preferably in an absolute
                                                                                                  format such as UNC. The
               vide a full path to the membership file: if the file is to be located on a network drive, we   extension for a list mem-
               strongly recommend you use the Windows UNC format (\\server\path\file) to specify   bership file is always
               this path.

               The Change selection and Remove selection buttons allow you to edit the two mandatory set-
               tings for a list and remove a list from your system, respectively – use the Remove selection
               button with care; once deleted, a list cannot be restored. You can also double-click any exist-
               ing list entry to edit its settings and membership.

               Copying lists
               A quick and effective way of creating new lists is to copy an existing list, using the Copy but-
               ton.  Copying a list creates a new list (so you have to provide a list name and a membership
               file) , then gives you a number of options for setting up the new list based on the settings,
               membership and moderator list of the current selection in the list. You can choose to import
               the current list’s moderators and subscribers. If you choose to import current subscribers, you
               can choose to import only active members, and can reset posting statistics and subscription
               dates if you wish.

               Tip: If you use a lot of lists, try creating some basic lists set up the way you like, then use   The Copy button can be
               them as templates for new lists, by copying one of the basic lists instead of creating a new   used as a fast way of cre-
                                                                                                  ating pre-configured
               one.                                                                               lists..
               Managing a list’s settings and membership
               When you create or edit the settings for a mailing list, you will be presented with a tabbed
               dialog that has five pages:

               •  General  Contains the basic definition for the list, and is where you specify any modera-
                  tors that the list should have.
               •  List access  Allows you to control the way people subscribe to the list, and to control
                  who can send mail to the list for distribution. This is also where you set passwords for
                  list access.
               •  Distribution  Includes controls that determine how Mercury should construct the mes-
                  sages that it sends to the list membership. You can enable digest support, anonymous
                  mailing facilities and other distribution settings in this page.
               •  Error handling  Allows you to control the way delivery errors should be processed when
                  mail is sent out to the list.
               •  Membership  Lists the current subscribers and their personal settings.
               The General Page
               List title  Every list must have a title -- a descriptive name that Mercury will use to form the
               "from" field of messages sent to the list. Try to keep the title short and descriptive and avoid
               international or accented characters. On rare occasions, you may wish to include address de-
               tails as part of the title (Mercury usually adds the proper address to the list title automatical-
               ly): in this case, you should ensure that the address you enter conforms to RFC2822
               addressing rules and includes a fully-qualified domain address appropriate for the list, then
               check the control labelled Is a full address next to the list title. NOTE: This feature is extreme-
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