Page 55 - Mercury
P. 55

Content Control  50
                                                                                Editing a Content Control definition

                                    The "Actions" Page  On this page, you define what you want to happen to messages when
                                    they pass through the content control system. You can add headers to the message (which can
                                    later be detected by your filtering rules), and you can also choose other actions such as mov-
                                    ing the message to a folder, forwarding it to another address, or deleting it.

                                    The General Page
                                    The settings on this page allow you to change the name that appears next to the definition in
                                    the list of definitions, and to define the types of mail to which the set should be applied.

                                    Name for this content control definition   Whatever you enter in this field is the name Mercury
                                    will use to identify this definition in the list shown in the Content control dialog. You can use
                                    any name you wish up to 50 characters in length.

                                    Apply this definition to mail originating from   Allows you to choose what type of message
                                    this set should apply to. Any source will apply the definition to any mail passing through the
                It is currently a restriction   queue; Local addresses only will apply the definition if the sender of the message has a local
                of the MercuryD POP3 cli-  address (one with no domain part); and Non-local addresses only applies the definition to any
                ent that all mail handled by
                it will appear to be “Local”   mail where the sender's address is not local (i.e, the address does contain a domain part).
                for purposes of content
                                    The Exceptions Page
                                    Use this page to create Blacklists, which identify senders whose mail should always be re-
                                    garded as unacceptable, and Whitelists, which identify senders from whom you always want
                                    to accept mail. For Pegasus Mail users, Blacklists and Whitelists are normally just regular
                                    Pegasus Mail distribution lists, which means that you can easily manipulate them using fil-
                                    tering rules, and with the right-click options Add sender to mailing list and Remove sender
                                    from mailing list while you are reading a message or browsing the contents of a folder. It is
                                    also possible to share system-wide Blacklists and Whitelists by putting them in a shared di-
                                    rectory then entering the path to that directory in this window.

                 Mail matched by a black-  Blacklist file   Enter in this field the name of a file in which Mercury should check for ad-
                 list is assigned a weight of   dresses and domains from which mail should always be regarded as unacceptable. The file
                 9999, while mail matched
                 by a whitelist is assigned a   need not exist already. Once you have entered the filename, you can edit the file by clicking
                 weight of -9999.   the edit button next to the field. Within the blacklist file, you can use asterisks as wildcard
                                    characters to match entire domains or parts of domains: so, if you want to block all users from
                                    the domain, you would enter * Similarly, to block all mail from any
                                    user on any machine within the domain group, you would enter *@*

                                    Whitelist file   Enter in this field the name of a file in which Mercury should check for ad-
                                    dresses and domains from which mail should never be regarded as unacceptable. The file
                                    need not exist already. Once you have entered the filename, you can edit the file by clicking
                                    the edit button next to the field. You can use the same type of wildcard operations described
                                    for the blacklist file within the whitelist.

                                    The Message Tests Page

                                    Use this page to maintain a set of rules that should be applied to mail messages that are not
                                    covered by either a whitelist or blacklist. The rules allow you to perform comprehensive tests
                                    on the actual content of the message, and can be linked together to create chains of tests. Each
                                    rule can have a weight, and after all the rules have been applied, Mercury adds up the com-
                                    bined weights of all the rules that matched the message: if the combined weight is greater than
                                    a value you specify, the message is marked as acceptable.

                                    Content processing rules file   Enter in this field the name of a file containing rules written
                                    using the Pegasus Mail/Mercury content control filtering language (see below) - Mercury will
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