Page 77 - Mercury
P. 77

The MercuryS SMTP Server Module    72
                                                                                  Using SSL for secure connections

                                    if you are using a mail client such as Pegasus Mail, which is immune to HTML-based at-

                                    Refuse non-MIME messages  MIME has been the dominant Internet standard for formatting
                Unfortunately, some auto-
                mated systems (such as   electronic mail since 1992, and there is no longer any justification for mail systems not to use
                backup systems) still gen-  it. Turning this flag on tells Mercury that only mail with valid MIME signatures should be
                erate non-MIME mail: you
                may need to whitelist such   accepted; it is especially useful when combined with pure HTML refusal (see above).
                                    Refuse messages that have no 'subject' field  We think it's a matter of basic courtesy to include
                                    a subject line in the mail you send. Turning this switch on allows you to enforce that require-
                                    ment, although an empty subject field will still be accepted, provided at least the header is

                                    Refuse messages that have no or empty 'subject' fields  This is a more draconian version of
                                    the previous setting: if you turn it on, messages will only be accepted if they contain a subject
                                    field, and that subject field in turn contains non-blank data.

                                    Refuse messages that have no 'date' field  The Internet standards governing  e-mail require
                                    that all mail must contain a valid date header. In our experience, practically the only mail that
                                    does not meet this requirement is spam.

                                    Exceptions   Just like everything else in life, all these compliance conditions are subject to
                                    cases of "yes, but..." - there are always going to be a few exceptions: for instance, you may
                                    have subscribed to a particular newsletter that regrettably only comes out in pure HTML for-
                                    mat, or you may have an automated server somewhere that sends you progress reports that
                                    don't have a "date" field (we know of several backup programs like this). To get around this,
                                    enter a valid local filename in this field, then click the Edit button next to the field, and add
                                    the sender address that should be exempted from the compliance restrictions. You can use *
                                    as a wildcard character anywhere in the address if you want to exempt entire groups or do-
                                    mains - so, for example, entering * would allow mail from any user at the
                                    "" domain to pass through even if it failed one or more compliance tests. Excep-
                                    tions only apply to the controls in the Restrictions to apply to message content group, not to
                                    the transaction-related group.

                                    Using SSL for secure connections

                                    The SSL page of the MercuryS configuration dialog allows you to enable and configure sup-
                                    port for secure SSL-based connections. Configuring SSL is covered in the chapter Using SSL
                                    to secure connections - please refer to that chapter for more information.

                                    Note: Using SSL in MercuryS is probably a less good idea than using it in other modules be-
                                    cause of the general unevenness of the quality of SSL implementations in widespread use.
                                    We recommend that you exercise caution when turning on support for SSL in an environment
                                    where you are accepting SMTP connections from the broader Internet.

                                    One extra option is available when using SSL in MercuryS - Disable weak authenticators un-
                                    less SSL-secured. If you check this control, MercuryS will refuse to accept insecure SMTP
                                    authentication methods such as PLAIN and LOGIN unless the connection has first been se-
                                    cured with an SSL connection - only the moderately secure CRAM-MD5 authentication
                                    method will be offered to nonsecured connections. While checking this control will increase
                                    the security of your system somewhat, it may prevent some clients from accessing your
                                    SMTP services: we recommend that you pay careful attention to system usage for a while af-
                                    ter enabling this option to make sure that it does not adversely affect your users.
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