Page 100 - The Digital Cloth - Issue 5
P. 100

During a three-year TAFE course called                   My husband & I spent two years travelling Oz in
    Commercial Needlecraft way back in 1994 I                the 4WD & caravan living up to our travel dreams.
    started a business called Colour Streams born            Our bodies, minds & spirit were refreshed.  My
    from my love of textiles.  Inspired during a trip        passion for textiles renewed particularly in hand
    overseas when visiting a big craft show where I          embroidery as I had been given back the gift of
    found a stall like Aladdin’s cave with the most          time.  Slow stitch has a beautiful rhythm giving
    beautiful threads, ribbons and fabrics dribbling         time for thought and creative dreaming.  I have
    from baskets igniting my passion. In my                  trawled op shops all around Oz collecting beautiful
    business I developed a substantial range of              old embroideries no longer valued by the general
    hand dyed silk embroidery threads, ribbons,              population.  Well I sure value them as a
    fabrics, wool, designs & embroidery kits &               glorious resource to chop up and repurpose. I love
    so much more. I experimented with these                  to gather a variety and cook them up in the dye
    overdyed materials creating projects full of             pot and collage them into a new background cloth
    colour & texture my original passions.  Passion          for applique & embroidery.
    is catchy so teaching became another avenue              Now I am well ensconced at home with my large
    of play whilst passing on my knowledge and               studio to myself and having sorted my extensive
    meeting fantastic people many who have                   stash I am ready for the next chapter in my textile
    become close friends.                                    journey.
    Years flew by until the time was right to travel         I do realize that my stash will last me for 500
    around Australia with my husband. This meant             years so periodically I will sell off a few bits of
    time to sell Colour Streams.  One of my                  treasure on my Etsy shop.
    students and a very talented woman Christine             I would like to do some more teaching
    Noske purchased my business which is                     especially combining felting, applique, embroidery
    continuing & developing today. If you want               and machine embroidery.  Oh, what fun.  With
    superb materials for your creative projects              workshops in mind I am working on a new body of
    check it out:                                            work and will advertise when workshops are

          Robyn Alexander Design
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