Page 4 - The Digital Cloth Holiday issue 2
P. 4

Happy Holidays to you all… We                         This issue has textile collage from
          hope it’s a joyful time.                              U.S artist Linda Scavio and Linda’s
          What a year! with borders opening                     gorgeous artwork on the cover. More
          and restrictions easing I am looking                  fabric collage art from India with Dr

          forward to the future with                            Dattatreya Phadke sharing his story
          enthusiasm… cautiously but                            and stunning art. Thread painting
          positively.                                           from UK artist Kathy Ross and
          The Digital Cloth has been my main                    highly sort after metal art from
          focus this year with all other parts                  Barbara Franc UK.
          of my business ceasing to operate I                   These are just a few of the amazing
          realize that this magazine continued                  talents this issue that we bring to
          to thrive regardless of the changing                  you with pride in this second Holiday
          situation worldwide.                                  Issue.
          My dream to create this magazine                      We also have mini tutorials and
          was realized with the help of a                       prizes again and lots more on offer.

          wonderful supportive network                          I wish you all a wonderful safe
          working, encouraging and                              Holiday Season and look forward
          contributing and I will be forever                    to connecting with you all again in
          grateful.                                             2021.
          YOU our valued READERS are the                        Caroline X
          reason this all works and what keeps
          The Digital Cloth promoting the
          artists and creators that work so
          hard in their different art practices

          and contributing to the magazine.
          Thank you again and again for
          being part of our Digital Cloth Tribe
          we appreciate everyone that has
          supported us. Please spread the
          word as that’s the best
          recommendation we can ever have.

          This Special Holiday Issue is packed
          full of specialness!
          Every Issue seems to be bigger and

          bigger and I thank Mel for her
          patience with me to support me and
          bring you a beautiful layout each
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