Page 13 - RAFINO_Reporter_Fall2018_Issue
P. 13

                                          L       AF                 F      ’

                                   It is said that laughter is the best medicine, so when it comes
     to keeping you healthy, laughter is up there with a nutritious diet and exercise.

       The ARMY -- Then and Now                          Airborne!                                Tankers
    Then-                                  A drill instructor at Airborne school    Our son is in the Army, stationed
                                           was lecturing a group of new troops      in Kentucky. He invited my
    Rifles were made of wood and            on making a proper jump. He told         husband and I for a visit.
    steel, shot a 7.62 caliber bullet      them: "When I yell Stand Up, you
    that killed the enemy.                 Stand Up. When I yell hook up, you       After driving endlessly through
    Now-                                   hook up. When you go out the door,       unfamiliar streets in search of an
                                                                                    entrance to Fort Knox, my
                                           yell 'Geronimo!' and wait for your
    Rifles are made of plastic and          chute to open. Got It? Good, get in      husband suddenly said, "We're
    aluminum, shoot a .223 caliber         the plane."                              getting closer."
    bullet that wounds the enemy.                                                   "How do you know?" I asked.
                                           After a short flight he yelled "Stand
    Then-                                  UP! Hook UP!" and began shoving          He pointed to a sign that read:
                                           the troops out the door. Just after
    If you smoked, you had an ashtray      the last trooper exited, the sergeant    'Sonny's Bar-B-Q...Tank Parking
    on your desk.                          shut the door. Suddenly, he heard        Available'

    Now-                                   someone knocking on the door. He            The ARMY -- Then and Now
                                           opened it to see a private flapping                    continued
    If you smoke, you are sent outside  his arms trying to imitate a seagull.
    and are treated like a leper.          The private looked him in the eye        Then-
                                           and asked What did you say that
    Then-                                  Indian's name was?                       You slept in a barracks... like a
    If you said "damn," people knew
    you were annoyed and avoided                    Soldiers in Heaven              Now- You sleep in a dormitory...
    you.                                                                            like a college kid.
                                           Little Willie asked his mother:
    Now-                                   "Mamma, don't soldiers ever go to        Then-
                       RAFINO Board
    If you say "damn" you better be        heaven?"                                 If you wanted to beer and a
    talking about a hydroelectric plant.   "Of course they do!" protested his       conversation you could go to the
                                           mother. "What makes you ask?"            NCO or Officers Club.
                                           "There are so many soldiers with         Now-
    NCO's had a typewriter on their        beards but I never saw any pictures
    desks for doing daily reports.                                                  The beer will cost you $3.00, it’s a
                                           of angels with beards."
    Now-                                                                            Community Club, and someone is
                                           "Oh, that's because most men who         watching how much you drink.
    Everyone has an Internet               go to Heaven get there by a close        Then-
    computer, and they wonder why          shave."
    no work is getting done.                                                        The Post Exchange had bargains
                                                                                    for GI's who didn't make much
    Then-                                  He is not balding...
    We painted pictures of pretty girls    Civilian: He is in Follicle Regression.   Now-
    on airplanes to remind us of
    home.                                  Soldier: He has a REALLY squared         You can get better merchandise
                                           away high and tight.
                                                                                    cheaper at Wal-Mart.
    We put the real thing in the
    cockpit.                                                                        All you could think of was getting
                                           Q: What's the difference between a        out and becoming a civilian again.
    “There is nothing more satisfying      Private E-2 and a Second
    that having someone take a shot        Lieutenant?                              Now-
    at you, and miss.”
                                           A: The Private E-2 has been              All you can think of is getting out
                A Murphy's Military Law    promoted.                                and becoming a civilian again.
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