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higher grades and shared  every happiness in my life getting
               children, promotion, buying house etc .No birthday of my
               daughter or son would be celebrated without a greeting card
               from Namasivayam.Even I may forget my  wedding day but not
               my friend!

               I could notice within a short time that if we could treat our
               juniors in rank and not in age with due respect to their
               talents,intelligence,ability the promoted officers would bear no

               grudge against their superiors though  much removed by age.
               What makes for success of us is confluence of right time, place
               and right amount of effort. Compulsion also determines
               whether we move up or get into situation of no escape during
               which time opportunities slip from our hands. So the bard of
               Stratford on Avon says through Brutus in Julius Caesar :

               There is a tide in the affairs of men.
               Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
               Omitted,      all   the     voyage      of    their    life
               Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
               On such a full sea are we now afloat,
               And we must take the current when it serves,
               Or lose our ventures.

               I know Sri.Sadasivam who did M.Sc , probably in Physics who
               remained initially as Inspector of Post Offices before finally
               retiring as Postmaster,Thanjavur.May be his family
               circumstance or adequate level of motivation was such that he
               could not but work to a goal that depended on available
               quantity of time. As Shakespeare observed we must seize the
               time by its forelock and attain our goal. If we can adopt such
               attitude towards our colleagues and subordinates they will also
               have their self pride protected from being trampled away. Once
               their ego is satisfied and they feel we are prepared to treat them
               as our equals we  will succeed in our enterprise.

               My experience in RMS,’M’ Division was one extended spell of
               happiness. We underwent training under Mr.C.Ponnurangam
               who was I inspector RMS. Mr.C.Ponnurangam was a lively

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