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without air conditioner was unthinkable. Every evening when I
               returned from office I would take a bar of ice-cream .My wife
               liked seeing Hindi movies and we were familiar with theatres
               like Sapna or Uphar and enjoyed watching Hindi movies.

               I come under the wings of Velankar:

               I liked my job as Assistant Director General(Stores). The office
               experience was very positive. Though initially I was allotted M

               II Section dealing with  stores I caught the attention of Senior
               Member (Post) Mr.S.B.Velankar who assigned me the work of
               Establishment section, too. My target was to fully take
               advantage of the norms of SIU (staff inspection unit) to call for
               and examine  proposals from the circles to create or bifurcate
               divisions and build up sufficient units to justify new
               promotional posts like directors and postmaster generals. A
               time bound plan was hatched and a Expenditure Financial
               Memo was to be submitted to Finance Ministry within 6
               months. In one of such projects when Sri.S.B.Velankar was to
               tour a number of divisions  with a view to reviewing on the spot
               and sanction justified proposals he took me along with him
               also to assist him. When our flight was about to take off he
               turned towards me and addressed me as follows:Srinivasan !I
               wish you a happy lunch midair, on your first trip, “knowing this
               was my first official travel by air when airlines crew were about
               to save us lunch. Mr.Velankar knowing that it was my first trip
               to Allahabad nd other placesnearby, allowed me to snatch a few
               hours from work so that I could visit Si Kasi Vishwanathji
               temple.When we returned from a tour of Allahabad,Benares and
               other places Sri.Velankar remembered to send through his
               office drive a basket full of mangoes and guava fruits to my
               house.He maintained his official side distinct from social side
               when he did not conceal his affection for a youngster like
               me!When I mention “youngster”  in relation to me I am
               reminded of a meeting convened in the P&T Board room with
               Minister for Communications  Sri.H.N.Bahuguna in the chair
               when the Minister pointing to me in th last row asked who was

               that young boy sitting there?Mr.Velankar intervened to clarify
               that it was none other than the newly joined ADG in the

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