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pronouncement of God Himself. But the question is  who is this God.
               What are His attributes. Different  saints or seers have interpreted the
               existence of God differently. Sankara’s maya vadh flew in the face of
               vast evidence of objects like  physical  manifestations in the form of
               hills and  oceans  and seemingly endless variations of organic life
               uniformly characterised by a central food canal, a neural network at the
               head of the different forms of life and limbs to enable motion. A subtle
               theory interprets  supreme intelligence itself as permeating the
               seemingly real objects akin to the mirroring of the one real source into

               diverse forms and there is nothing without this super being .But Sri
               Ramanuja didn’t accept the above  apparently intellectual
               interpretation. He on his  part presented a model of the three aspects of
               the universe like the animate ,inanimate and the super conscious
               intelligence. He explained that every animate object is permeated by
               the super power. If the principle of no second being is to be accepted
               then how does one realize the existence of super power or
               parabrahmam? Any knowledge to comprehend the power of super
               being gained in a state of agnyana or illusion will also be an instance of
               maya. At the end individual souls will not be able to realize the
               existence of the super power. Only when one believes in the
               manifestation of  the super power in all objects and all the objects we
               observe with our intellect lent to us by the supreme being  only then
               will the individual creatures  attain unity with the supreme being.

               Then question arises why would one need to have multiplicity of Gods
               and Goddesses. Our seers were clear in their mind that every aspiring
               soul may not have patience or capacity to comprehend the ultimate
               truth  It is easy to keep before us an object for worship and attain
               salvation. Because we are human beings endowed with limited
               intelligence  or imagination we have been casting God in our image.
               Because of our abundant love and a  sense of gratitude to the All
               powerful force we have tended to conceive Gods and Goddesses in a
               variety of attire and ornaments and celebrate these Gods.

               It is pertinent to believe that  any super hero like Sri Rama or Sri
               Krishna must have been heroes in their own right in the historic past
               and we have tended to equate them with Gods and worship them as

               Gods. The epics are nothing but a narration of their life history.

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