Page 11 - Klahanie September-October, 2019 Issue
P. 11

Board of Director's

            Election and Annual Meeting                                                                                C O MM U NI T Y

            During the March 2019 Board retreat,   Being on the board requires   of the Board Nominating committee.
            the Klahanie Board of Director’s   involvement in both Board and   Personal meetings to answer any questions
            elections and the Annual Meeting   committee responsibilities which do   will be scheduled once applications
            dates were changed to be more   require personal time. Each of the   have been received. If elected, terms are
            efficient.                     Board committees is designed to have   calendar year based from January thru
                                           residents as well as at least one Board   December. This change provides time
            The Annual Meeting has been moved
                                           member. The committees are set to   for newly elected HOA Board members
            from mid-March to the early part of
                                           meet once a month in the office at   to learn the operations of the HOA and
            January each year. The Board election
                                           7:00pm and the meetings are at least   become familiar with the budgeting
            results will be announced during the
                                           an hour in length. Agendas are sent   process that begins each summer.
            Annual Homeowners Meeting and the
                                           out to all members the week prior to
            newly elected Board members will                             Please look for your HOA ballots in the
                                           the meeting.
            be named at that time. The annual                            mail this fall and plan to vote to continue to
            meeting is the best opportunity for   In addition to Board and Committee   bring dedicated leadership to the Board.
            residents to raise questions on HOA   meetings, each member is
            operations and suggest changes for   encouraged to attend Klahanie
            consideration.                 sponsored events, Movie nights,
                                           parades, etc.
            Election campaigns for HOA Board
            seats opens on October 1st with   The KHOA Governing documents
            community wide solicitations for   define who is eligible to vote in CC&R
            interested members to register to run   Section 3.4- the “Every Owner shall
            for the two expiring positions. Any   be entitled to cast one vote in the
            member in good standing, is eligible   Association for each lot or living unit.”
            to run for a position. The active   A person who owns two homes can
            campaigning will run from October   cast two votes. This same extension
            15th to December 15th, the cut-off   applies to the two apartment complex
            date at which time the voting will   owners. Totally we have 3,090 living
            close and the ballots will be tallied.   units, each with the ability to cast a
            Things to be considered
                                           Please send an email to info@
            Each Board term is for three years.
                                  to register your interest
            A Board member may serve for two
                                           in serving on the Board. Those who
            terms and then has to step off the
                                           register will receive background
            board for a year in case they want to
                                           information on the obligations of
            run again for a third term.
                                           serving on the board from members

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