Page 4 - Klahanie Apr-May WEB
P. 4

Here Come the Cars


                  The Issaquah Fall City Road   With the real impacts of the
                  is planned to close later this   road closure about to be felt, we
                  month, and be closed for at least   encourage you to call the City of
                  eight months. A bridge is being   Sammamish main number at 425.
                  constructed between 247th at   295.0500. If you experience a
                  Pacifi c Cascade Middle School   dangerous situation with traffi c,
                  and Klahanie Drive. Most of the   lack of ability to enter or leave
                  2,000+ vehicles using the road   your neighborhood, inability
 By Claudia Coté
                  each day heading either east or   for fi re, police or ambulances
                  west, will be rerouted, with many   to get to your home, safety of
                  of those drivers likely choosing   children crossing the street,
                  Klahanie Drive/ Blvd. as the   or cut-through traffi c in your
                  preferred option.             neighborhood, please call the
                                                Sammamish Police Department
                  The access to IFCR at the     at 425.295.0770 or 911 in an
                  Klahanie Center will remain open.   emergency.
                  This means that all west bound
                  traffi c will either turn right on   While we have to share our Blvd
                  Beaver Lake Road or Klahanie   and Drive with commuters, there
                  Drive. Many of those turning on   is no reason that the safety of our
                  Beaver Lake may elect to enter   residents should be comprised.
                  Klahanie on 39th and merge on
                  to Klahanie Blvd. This could easily
                  result in bumper to bumper, stop
                  and go traffi c in Klahanie for
                  hours during each of the morning
                  and evening rush hours. It only
                  takes 200 vehicles to cause a
                  mile long backup.
                  During the past summer,
                  Association staff met with the
                  City of Sammamish elected
                  offi cials and staff to explore
                  ways to lessen the impact on
                  Klahanie residents. We brought
                  forward ideas on adding stop
                  signs or temporary signals at
                  neighborhood entries to allow
                  our residents to leave their
                  neighborhoods. We discussed
                  no street parking on the Drive
                  or Blvd. to leave access for
                  emergency vehicles to bypass
                  traffi c and adding more
                  While respectful of our concerns,
                  their attitude was more of a “let’s
                  wait and see what happens and
                  then we can respond.” To date,
                  they have added a crosswalk and
                  plan on changing the duration
                  of the signals at Issaquah Pine
                  Lake Road. None of the other
                  mitigating suggestions were

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