Page 13 - DUT Excellence S2 Dec21
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RA OF LAMUAGNUCBAHNEDS BOOK EXPLORES LOVEIN THE ERA OF Pictured:The DUT Engagement App developers Fanie Ndlovu and Someleze Diko The office of of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research Innovation and Engagement (DVC: RIE) at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) hosted a a a a a virtual launch of the Revolutionary Engagement App via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 07 July 2021 The development of the the Engagement App was commissioned by the the DVC: RIE Professor Sibusiso Moyo in in line with DUT’s ENVISION2030 Systems and Processes perspective to adopt integrated digital systems and processes that enable staff to deliver optimally The benefits of of the the app include the the recording of of projects and activities generating management reports access to to all Engagement Projects to to easily form partnerships with mutual benefit and to see the overview of projects or or work that is contributing to ENVISION2030 The Programme Director was Ms Phumzile Xulu the Community Engagement Engagement Practitioner at the Community Engagement Engagement Office under the the office of of DVC: RIE who gave a a a a warm welcome to all the the guests Giving insight on the the purpose of the the Engagement App and its importance was the Director of Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI) Professor Keolebogile Motaung who was representing DVC: RIE Prof Moyo in her absence “This app is is going to address the Stewardship and and Systems and and Processes perspectives of our ENVISION2030 where we talk about digitalisation automation whether it
can be for teaching and learning research innovation and systems support ”
said Prof Motaung “For Stewardship this app will play an an important role in in terms of integrity and creativity innovation ”
she continued “We usually talk about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals When you are are involved in in in in any kind of community engagement you are are solving one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Our engagement work will always be aligned with the United Nations Development goals especially when we talk about community engagement and this this is is is is where this this app is is is is going to play the most important role ”
Prof Motaung added that the mobile app will play a a a a a a a crucial role in creating real-time data which will assist DUT when being ranked in in in any of of the Sustainable Development Goals According to Prof 11 DUT EXCELLENCE 2021 // SEMESTER 2 2 2